Judge's Park takes surrenders on a case by case basis according to what types of animals we have room for. There is usually a waitling list.
Please DO NOT let animals loose outside. Domesticated rabbits and other small animals CANNOT survive outside and will DIE. We will help you place the animals if you think that is your only option. We ask that if you are surrendering an animal that you give us their cage, and other supplies. If possible, we ask for a cash donation to cover their care while they are here (including spay/neuters for rabbits and food and supplies while they are here for adoption). If cash donation is not possible, we also will accept bags of bedding (Aspen or recycled newspaper beddings), bales of timothy or grass hay, bags of Oxbow food, towels, blankets, laundry detergent or dish soap (please free and clear of dyes and chemicals), and other things on our wish list. We ALWAYS take back animals previously adopted from Judge's Park and in fact require them to come back to us if you cannot keep them.