Judge's Park Small Animal Rescue uses PetFinder to advertise and promote our adoptables. Hop on by our shelter page to see pictures, videos and learn more about the current pets available for adoption! If interested in adoption, please fill out our adoption application on the drop down under Adoption above!
Sammy is a young adult female bearded dragon, under 1 year old. She was owner surrendered to us because they were moving she was “mean.” We got her here and into foster to get a feel on her behavior and what she needed to become a beardie good citizen!
Per her foster: “She's not mean in my opinion. She is very very busy. Gets bored and wants to free roam in the worst way lol. She was out playing in my daughter's bedroom for like and hour and then fell asleep when holding her and slept until this morning in the same spot. She does try to "bite" everything but it's in a curious baby way. Even walking through the house everything is "let me see" and if close enough to furniture she will try and jump to it. And she's fast! Snhe's just active and curious. She snuggled up once she got tired and slept on my chest and my daughter's at one point. She is absolutely not laid back lol but she's a toddler lol”
Sammy would do best with someone with beardie experience who can spend time with her everyday while she gets used to them. She is still a young girl and is still learning about the world around her!
Bearded dragons are one of the top most loved reptiles in the hobby of keeping, they can be fun and rewarding, and not to mention long lasting friends if handled correctly. Bearded dragons do have special light requirements, they require a specific basking area and UVB bulb over the rest of the enclosure. Sidney is an omnivore, so she eats both plant and animal matter. She can eat an array of insects (dusted in calcium and fed gutloading gel or powder), greens, and fruit (use healthy and vitamin rich items!). We recommend paper towels, instead of loose substrate, as loose substrate such as sand or coco chor can cause impaction if accidentally consumed with prey.
Adoption fee is $50. If interested in adopting, our adoption application can be filled out here: https://www.judgespark.org/adoption-application.html