Feeding: -Rats must always have access to good quality rat block
-Recommended brands are Oxbow and Science Selective
-The main ingredient should not be corn!!
-Only give them specially formulated rat food. It is better for their dietary needs.
-Seed mixes should be used sparingly as a treat, they are too fatty
-Rats should have access to water at all times.
-Veggies and fruits are good additions to a rat’s diet (sweet foods only occasionally)
- Broccoli, peas, green beans, carrots, tomatoes, bananas, cherries, celery, cucumber, apples (seeds removed), etc.
-People food can be fed as well, i.e. wheat pasta (cooked or uncooked), cereal (especially cheerios!), small amounts of cheese, cooked meat, yogurt, oats, etc.
-Avoid orange peels, chocolate, very sugary foods, and anything that is unhealthy (processed foods are a no).
-Rats should be in a large as possible plastic bottomed cage: the larger the better
-Multiple level cages, or large ferret cages are best as they love to climb
-If there is wire bottom shelving, try and cover it up with paper towels or newspaper so they don’t get foot problems
-NEVER have rats in Aquariums unless they have access to a bigger cage.
-Bedding should be Aspen or recycled paper (Carefresh, Yesterdays News).
-NEVER use Cedar, Pine, or any sort of cat litter (all poisonous)
-All of our ratties have hammocks, i.e. ferret hammocks at the pet stores
-You can even make your own by clamping a piece of soft, thick fabric to the sides of their cage to make a hammock
-Always provide toys, i.e. chew tubes, cardboard (paper towel or toilet paper rolls), things to shred, newspapers, and wood chews for them to wear their teeth down
Always watch for excessive sneezing or red porphyrin secretions from the eyes and nose. These could indicate a serious problem, and a vet should be seen.
If Judge's Park doesn't have any ratties for adoption, please see the Pittsburgh Rat Lovers club for the local Pittsburgh rat rescue!